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Voter Information
Polls will be open 8am-8pm on November 5, 2024. Those who reside in Lincoln, Maine will be voting at Mattanawcook Academy, 33 Reed Dr, Lincoln ME 04457.
The deadline to request an absentee ballot for the November 5, 2024 election is Thursday October 31st at 5:00pm.
One can vote in person at the town office during normal business hours, request a ballot in person at the office to take home and either mail in, drop off at the town office, or drop off utilizing that ballot box outside of the town office; request a ballot by calling 207-794-3372 ext. 9, or using the Secretary of State site to request it electronically (https://apps.web.maine.gov/cgi-bin/online/AbsenteeBallot/index.pl).
Evening Registrar hours will be from 5-7pm on October 30th. This is for residents of Lincoln to register to vote and/or change their name, address, party, etc. on a prior voter registration card. Please bring proof of ID and/or residency (street address), and name change (marriage certificate, court order, etc.). NO VOTING will be taking place.
All ballots are due back no later than 8pm on election night.